Le Domaine Forget de Charlevoix
5, rang Saint-Antoine, C.P. 672
Saint-Irénée, Québec G0T 1V0
Main Phone Number 418 452-8111
Reservations / Box Office 418 452-3535 - 1 888 336-7438
Ginette Gauthier, Executive Director
418 452-8113, ext. 1223
Mathieu Lussier, Artistic Director
418 452-8113, ext. 1280
Marie-Hélène Forest, Assistant Artistic Director
418 452-8113, ext. 1248
Solange Callejon, Artistic Administrative Coordinator
418 452-8113, ext. 1228
Valérie Tremblay, Administrative Assistant
418 452-8113, ext. 1221
Dantonio Pisano, Academic Coordinator
418-452-8113, ext. 1232
Rachel Tremblay, Student Services
418 452-8113, ext. 1222
Marie-Josée Tremblay, Accounting Manager
418 452-8113, ext.1250
Marie-France Lepage, Box-office Manager and Operations Assistants
418 452-8113, ext. 1227
Audrée Bélanger, Sales and Marketing Manager
418 452-8113, ext. 1247
Marie-Lyne Lacroix, Communications Manager
418 452-8113, ext. 1229
Julianne Tremblay-Gravel, Communications Assistant
418 452-8113, ext. 1243
Daniel Robichaud, Operations Coordinator and Business Development Manager
418 452-8113, ext. 1246
Carole Belley, Lodging Manager
418 452-8113, poste 1410
Gabrielle Poulin, Lodging
418 452-8113, ext. 1405
Daniel Robichaud, Operations Coordinator and Business Development Manager
418 452-8113, ext. 1246
Patricia Deslauriers, Programming Manager
418 452-8113, poste 1283